Investing for Beginners , investing You can't operate a company by fear, because the way to eliminate fear is to avoid criticism. And the way to avoid criticism is to do nothing.
Steve Ross

Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin


Buying on Margin

Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin

Margin Call

The Pros and Cons

Psychology: Is it worth?



We won’t talk about the possible losses in here. The goal of this paragraph is to explain what costs investors are facing when are buying on margin. Despite of all regular costs (as trading fees, depository fees, currency conversion fees if necessary, account fees, spread) when trading in stocks or other securities, investors also face costs for borrowed capital. 


That means every investor who buys stocks on margin is taking a credit for which he has to pay interests. Interests are paid for the amount and the period of the borrowing. Interest rate depends on the currency of the credit and market conditions. Of course, brokerage company (investment bank) tries to get some profit premium from giving the credit. 


Technically, the more interests investor is paying the higher are costs of buying on margin. If interest rate is lower than return rate, investor makes profit, but if interest rate is higher that investors return on investment then he is at the loss. 


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