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Investment in Bulgaria
Starting from the very beginning I will try to make clear why I am bullish about investing Bulgarian stock market. At first I would suggest to look at the chart below. Five year Bulgarian stock market in
Investment Terms
Investment terms are most popular phrases and word combinations used in investment process. Most of the investment and financial terms you can find on investment dictionary.
Common Shares (Stock)
Common stocks (shares) are ordinary shares - securities that represent a proportional ownership of the firm including all the material (like dividends) and non-material (voting) rights. Common shares are the trad
Profit Margin
Profit margin normally refers to net profit margin, which is net profit divided by sales. But one should remember that profit might be of different kinds (net profit, pretax profit, EBIT, EBITDA and gross profit)
(1) Market liquidity is a characteristic of a security or other traded investment that shows how easy it is convertible in to cash at a market value. Usually when investor decides to sell some investment and
Operating Margin
Operating margin is a profitability percentage that shows what company’s profit margin is before it pays interests and taxes. Operating margin simply ignores capital structure (because ignores financial act