Investing for Beginners , investing We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.
Robert Kiyosaki

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Diversified Investments
  Diversified investments are investments that are well diversified, which should include regional diversification, allocation between asset classes, sectors, maturity, denomination of currencies and other characte

Hedge (Hedging)
  Hedge (hedging) is protection of investment portfolio against fluctuations using financial instruments. Hedge is very popular at investment theory, but not so popular at investment practice. In theory everything

Market Risk
  A market risk is a systematical risk that cannot be diversified. There are some risk factors that can make effect on the whole market: economical cycles, nature disasters, wars; and such are not diversifiable ris

Last searches: fundamental diversification , MANAGEMENT , intangible , Intermediation , NPV , roe , enterprise value , market timing , hedge , p/e ratio , investing , investment , beginners , stocks