Investing for Beginners , investing I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer.
Robert Kiyosaki

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Investment in Stocks
Stocks (shares) are investments that attract the most attention in financial markets, and perhaps stocks are worth it, because investors can expect the highest return from stocks among the range of traditional investme

Market Capitalization
  Market capitalization (market cap) is a company’s value (price) on the stock exchange. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the outstanding share number by the last share price on the exchange

Institutional Investor
  An institutional investor is an investor that is a corporation/institution. Institutional investors have high impact to investment markets and sometimes decisions of most known institutional investment manag

large cap Stocks
  large cap stocks are stocks of those companies that have the highest market capitalization. All the stocks can be classified to large cap, mid cap and small cap (if ignoring modern classifications that include mo

Small Cap Stocks
  Small cap stocks are stocks of lower market capitalization. All stocks may be classified to large cap, mid cap and small cap (if ignoring mega, nano and other modern classification caps). There is no united class

Blue Chip Stocks
  Blue chip stocks are stocks of the biggest large cap companies. Blue chip stocks usually are safer than average investment in stocks, have stable cash flow and pay stable dividends according dividend policy. Blue

Penny Stocks
  Penny stocks used to be described as stocks which price on stock exchange are lower than 1$ or 5$ (there is no officially approved norm). However, it is not very fair to judge a company for its share price on exc

Value Penny Stocks
  Value penny stocks are stocks that have characteristics of both: value stock and penny stock. Investment in value penny stocks isn’t very popular, because stock investors who seek for safety invest in norma

Investments in Small Cap Stocks
  Investments in Small Cap Stocks Investments in small cap stocks could be compared to penny stock investments but the term ‘penny stocks’ is not specific enough. The thing is that the determination of

  Capex (capital expenditure) is company’s investment in long-term assets that are needed to continue the business or for future’s growth. The perfect examples of capital expenditure can be an acquisiti

Last searches: large cap , EV/EBITDA , differentl , nav , fundamental diversification , MANAGEMENT , intangible , Intermediation , NPV , roe , investing , investment , beginners , stocks