Investing for Beginners , investing At the time we acquired Viacom, everyone said I had overpaid. But even at today's depressed prices, that investment is worth billions. Everyone was saying MTV was a fad. I knew better.
Sumner Redstone

Investment in Index Funds


Investment index funds are contrast to the actively managed funds. These funds do not try to exceed the benchmark, openly saying that just going to keep with it.

And the serious advantage of them – applied fees are much lower. Index funds managers do not analyze the stock market to try picking the best ones and it certainly works out cheaper.

Index funds value fluctuate the same range as the whole market does, and investors should not expect to earn more than average. And although index funds was created much later than actively managed investment funds, but their popularity grew very quickly, and they have gained significant market share.

The problem is that for individual investors is difficult to obtain these funds, usually because sellers (investment banks and other investing oriented institutions) are more motivated to sell mutual funds or other investment products with higher fees.


ETFs are index funds too, but they different from traditional index funds because are traded on exchange like stocks and are easier to acquire.  Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) can not only follow the index, but be opposite, double and other modifications.

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